YOUR BEST CHOICE FOR Computerized Shade Matching


OUR TECHNOLOGIES — Computerized Shade Matching

Some procedures require more detailed imagery to ensure that you receive the highest quality of care. CBCT technology allows us to visualize your teeth and jaw in 3D. This is essential for the placement of dental implants, treatment of root canals, and extraction of wisdom teeth.

The name really gives it away.

Have you ever noticed someone with a tooth that just doesn't match? With computerized shade matching, inaccurately and inconsistently colored restorations are a thing of the past. At Highlands Point Dental in Cartersville, we use computerized shade matching to ensure that your restorative procedure matches the color of your natural teeth. Our computerized system uses a small hand-held device that captures tooth hue to create precise color matches. Your new restoration will match well and look natural.


Call today to request a Dental Appointment! (440) 934-5966